MML - Magnus Marine Limited
MML stands for Magnus Marine Limited
Here you will find, what does MML stand for in Maritime under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Magnus Marine Limited? Magnus Marine Limited can be abbreviated as MML What does MML stand for? MML stands for Magnus Marine Limited. What does Magnus Marine Limited mean?The based company is located in engaged in maritime industry.
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Alternative definitions of MML
- Marshall, Minnesota USA
- Michigan Municipal League
- Mote Marine Laboratory
- Mote Marine Laboratory
- Mega Man Legends
- Mopar Mailing List
- Master Muscle List
- Master Muscle List
View 211 other definitions of MML on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- MDFO Major Domus Family Office
- MBTP MB Town Planning
- MIA Management Institute of Australia
- MBC Myrtle Beach Communications
- MEABC Mid and East Antrim Borough Council
- MT The Migraine Trust
- MIASS MIA Safety Services
- MPC Motion Pixel Corporation
- MDC Maine District Court
- MMC Marketing Media Cloud
- MPD Microwave Product Digest
- MMMH Mary Mahoney Memorial Health
- MREA Metis Real Estate Advisors
- MH The Money Hub
- MTCAM MTC Asset Management
- MCBC Mount Carmel Baptist Church